
AI Translation

Why should I translate my website?

Our world is more and more connected with people travelling and moving places like never before. You’d be surprised by how many people, in your local area, will feel a lot more comfortable reading your blog in their native language.

Translating your website is an amazing tool to expand your outreach. But translating a website and furthermore translating every single blog article used to be super expensive. Not anymore.

How does Wonder George translate my content?

Wonder George is using its powerful algorithm to translate your content in a culturally effective manner. It’s not just translating words to their equivalent in another language. It’s doing it by creating a cultural translation.

  • Wonder George translates your website in any language you want in just minutes.
  • Wonder George translates your blog articles to make your business more appealing to more clients

How much does it cost?

Everything is included in our super affordable subscription. There’s no additional cost for translations. So choose the languages people speak in your area. Whether it’s French, English, German, Chinese, Korean, Spanish or any other language or local dialect, Wonder George will take care of it.

How does Wonder George know what language to display?

Your Wonder George website can detect your user’s browser language. If their computer is set to Spanish and you generated a Spanish translation, your website will appear in Spanish for this specific user.

Your website will also come with a language toggle where your users can select a different language. By default, your website appears in the language it was first generated in.